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  New items :   This item has been a research project of mine for at least a decade.  And now, Gastropoid's Invertebrate Foods are a reality! There's three finely powdered formulas to start things off, but more will be added.  Farmer's Market The fruits and veggies blend. My Hissers go wild for this blend, in addition to all the usual expected Isopods, Millipedes and Snails. Ingredients: Spinach, Collagen Powder, Green Pea, Pumpkin, Apple, Carrot, Freshwater Chlorella Algae, Shiitake Mushrooms, Brewer's Yeast, Orange Sweet Potato, Bee Pollen, Spirulina, Cucumber   Butcher's Best This is my protein blend. When made into a gel food, it's ideal for carnivorous snail species. Both my aquatic assassins and my terrestrial Rosy Wolfsnails devour this mix readily. Also great for protein-hungry isopods and roaches.  Ingredients: Mealworms, Freeze Dried Beef Liver, Freeze Dried Chicken Liver, Brine Shrimp, Freshwater Shrimp, Cellulose Powder, Green Pea Protein, Crickets,

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