Stainless mesh vents tutorial

Quick tutorial on how I embed stainless steel mesh in bins:

Cut mesh. I like to cut the corners off to make it neater. Square corners are fine too.
Put mesh on top of where you want it, draw around it. I use a fancy micron drawing pen, because I have them, but anything not permanent on plastic works.

Cut with wood burning tool. I use the leaf tip. I'm very practiced, so I cut pretty close to the line. Give yourself more fuckup room the first few times.

Wipe the ink off with a cloth. 

Get your mesh in position and tack it down in several places, so it's aligned.

Then very gently press it into the plastic along the edge. I use an awl to help hold it down as the plastic cools, but I'm not an octopus so I couldn't take pics of that.


Ventilation is very important. Outside isn't enough unless it's actively windy. Hot plastic fumes are bad for you. Do not breathe them.


This is the exact wood burning tool I use:

These little gasket bins are great for starting isopod colonies:

This is the bin I use for starting roach colonies, which is what I was installing vents in for this tutorial. They're slightly cheaper at Walmart in store:

This is the mesh I'm using in this tutorial:

And this is a great little fan - cheap as heck, adjustable and powerful. Plug it into a little USB brick from an old cell phone. It's what I use for cutting plastic:
