Current Sales List!

 New items: 

This item has been a research project of mine for at least a decade. 
And now, Gastropoid's Invertebrate Foods are a reality!

There's three finely powdered formulas to start things off, but more will be added. 

Farmer's Market
The fruits and veggies blend. My Hissers go wild for this blend, in addition to all the usual expected Isopods, Millipedes and Snails.
Spinach, Collagen Powder, Green Pea, Pumpkin, Apple, Carrot, Freshwater Chlorella Algae, Shiitake Mushrooms, Brewer's Yeast, Orange Sweet Potato, Bee Pollen, Spirulina, Cucumber  

Butcher's Best
This is my protein blend. When made into a gel food, it's ideal for carnivorous snail species. Both my aquatic assassins and my terrestrial Rosy Wolfsnails devour this mix readily. Also great for protein-hungry isopods and roaches. 
Mealworms, Freeze Dried Beef Liver, Freeze Dried Chicken Liver, Brine Shrimp, Freshwater Shrimp, Cellulose Powder, Green Pea Protein, Crickets, Brewer's Yeast, Shiitake Mushrooms

Pumpkin Spice
Color boosting isopod blend. I also recommend this mix combined with Farmer's Market for filter feeding Viviparidae aquatic snails such as Blueberry Snails. 
Paprika, Carrot, Pumpkin, Orange Sweet Potato, Apple, Green Pea, Bee Pollen, Collagen Powder, Brewer's Yeast, Freshwater Chlorella Algae, Saffron

They're intended for inverts including both terrestrial and aquatic snails, isopods, millipedes, roaches and freshwater shrimp, but these will also work great for fish fry. 
Can be mixed with gelatin or agar to make gel/jelly/snello type foods.
Will add calcium carbonate powder to the mix on request for no extra charge if using for aquatic snails. 

1oz volume for the small, 2oz or 4oz bigger packs. 
$4/$8/$15 +$5 shipping.

Finally! Dubia Roaches are available!
One of the most popular feeder roaches, these also make a delightful pet roach colony in my opinion. 

Blaptica dubia - Orange-spotted Roach
25ct nymphs - $15
12ct adult males - $10
12ct adult colony starters - $20 - 9 females, 3 males

On to the rest of my sales list!


All orders with live inverts will be shipped via priority mail or faster, with weather appropriate insulation. A $5 charge for a heat or cold pack may be added if needed. 


Porcellio laevis "Dairy cow" -
$5 per 50ct with any other order. 
(I don't really count. You will get far more than fifty.)
Photo of adult in hand for reference. I only ship mixed sub adults for this species, so you have plenty of time to watch them grow. 

Porcellionides pruinosus Morphs:

20ct deli cups of your choice are $10. Shipped in damp sphagnum moss, and you will definitely get more than 20. 

Good Cleaning Crew for Reptiles. 
Not recommended for Cleaning Crew with other invertebrates. 

Porcellionides pruinosus "Powder Orange"

Porcellionides pruinosus "Oreo Crumble"

And they wouldn't sit still for a photo, but I also have Porcellionides pruinosus "Powder Mix" which is a mix of Powder Orange, Oreo Crumble and Powder Blue. 


Red Runner feeder roaches -

$15 per 100ct with other orders, $25 per 100ct by themselves. 
Might be shipped as multiples of 50ct or as 100cts depending on how many large deli cups I have available, and what fits best in the box to get you the best shipping price.


Dermestes ater - Black Larder Beetle or Incinerator Beetle -
These guys are a useful and cute little dermestid that makes a pretty good cleaning crew for feeder roach colonies. In my experience they do a good job of cleaning up any leftover food, dead roaches, etc. Helps control gnats and fruit flies by outcompeting them. I keep them with my Red Runners. 
Fair Warning: This species can fly. Open bins containing them cautiously.
10 larvae or 20 adults, your choice. $15

Dry Supplies & Substrate Mixes:

Calcium Carbonate powder (food grade!) and Crushed Coral - 
Calcium powder is great for everything from making calcium slurry for terrestrial snails to supplementing aquatic snail food or adding directly to the substrate of isopods and millipedes. 
Crushed Coral is great for adding to substrate for a slower release calcium source, and for adding to your filter in a mesh bag to slowly adjust pH and provide calcium for aquatic snails. 
$4 per pound (shown), or $2 per 8oz. 

Hardwood Charcoal -
For those who want to add charcoal for springtails, as hides for small isopods or to boost soil bacteria, or want to mix their own substrate but don't want to buy big bags of everything, I now have quart bags of high quality hardwood lump charcoal. 
Choose either large lump, or crushed.
Quart - $5 
Gallon - $15

High quality dried sphagnum moss -
Quart bags - $2 
Great for isopod moisture gradient, and for shipping isopods and millipedes.

Organic Topsoil -
Since finding good topsoil that's safe for inverts and not full of fertilizers, pesticides and weird stuff like bits of plastic or sand seems to be a problem in lots of places, I'm now offering gallon bags of the really nice local stuff I use for my own bins and mixes. 
This is mostly shredded and well-composted hardwood, with the rest being sieved native soil. So it's got the beneficial soil bacteria needed to maintain gut biome in invertebrates like isopods and millipedes. 

This is also a great base for terrariums and bioactive Reptile enclosures. 
$3 per gallon

Isopod Substrate - 
Organic composted hardwood topsoil, freezer sterilized white rot wood, natural charcoal, crushed coral, calcium carbonate powder.
This is what I use for all my bins. 

Rotwood - high grade food for detritivores.
Topsoil - mine is composted hardwood and sieved soil, which makes it both food and a source of soil bacteria needed to maintain gut biome.
Hardwood charcoal - absorbs ammonia and makes hiding places for good bacteria, isopod mancae and springtails.
Crushed Coral - slow release and munchable calcium. 
Calcium carbonate powder - fast release calcium, helps set high pH. 

Gallon bag - $25 
Quart bag - $10


Fresh harvested moss, mixed species - 
Gallon bag - $25 
Quart bags - $10
Half quarts, to do one isopod bin - $5
Can freezer sterilize on request in my regular freezer, which probably won't kill the moss. This item is not default sterilized. Tell me if you're looking for something specific like moss to mount on wood or plant on dirt. 


Lichen covered oak sticks
Gallon bag - $10 
Sterilized at regular freezer temperatures on request.

Reindeer lichen 
Quart bag  - $10
Sterilized at regular freezer temperatures on request.

Water oak leaves - 
Gallon - $10 (shown)
Quart - $5
Deep freezer sterilized. Currently very soft and moist leaves.

A lot of people selling leaves just rake them up, shove them in a bag, and you're lucky if they've even been frozen. I spend time hand-sorting to make sure you're only getting good leaves. Not sticks, rocks, pine needles, dead bugs, spiders, etc. The leaves are then frozen for a minimum of three days at -45° in a deep freeze. 

Magnolia leaves -
These are awesome hides and food dishes for isopods and roaches that break down into leaf litter and snacks over time. 
The small ones are great for smaller bins or using as leaf litter in large bins and terrariums. 
Large leaves are shown packaged in gallon size bags. 
Freezer sterilized.
One Dozen Large or Small leaves: $5

Oak bark - Limited Amounts Available 
Gallon bag- $35
Quart bag - $15
Deep freezer sterilized

Let me know whether you want smaller pieces for isopods and bark eating beetles, or bigger ones for large roaches or reptiles. Some pieces will come with a little white rot wood still on the back.

Black Locust Bark

I have a very limited amount of this.
Got it shipped to me from a friend in Michigan, so unless they can find more, when it's gone, it's gone. This bark has incredible texture, and is very sturdy. 

There's currently eight quart bags, and one larger bag with three oversized pieces. 

Quart - $10 (6 in stock)
Oversized - $15 (second photo, 1 in stock)

White Rot wood - very limited quantities available.
This is high quality white rot from water oak logs, about five years in the making. Not forest harvested, no habitat destruction involved. 
Gallon bag - $35 (shown)
Quart bag - $15

Great for millipedes, making isopod substrate and for wood eating beetles. 

White rot wood is produced by polypore fungi digesting the inedible lignins out of the wood over the course of several years, leaving behind highly nutritious wood that is soft enough to hand crumble. There's also fungal material left over that is great food for all your detritivores. 

Freezer sterilized to -45° for a minimum of three days. Has been shredded and sorted to remove any visible hitchhikers before freezing. 

Invertebrate Foods:

Dried Freshwater Shrimp:
Add a 2oz cup of dried shrimp to your order for $2, or a 5.5 for $4. Great protein for isopods and roaches.

Mixed Dried Protein -
This is a mix of mealworms, crickets and dried shrimp for all your protein lovers. If you wanted something different than the plain dried shrimp, here you go:
Add a 2oz cup to any other order for $3. 
5.5 oz cups are $7. 

Kits and sampler packs:

Isopod starter kits -

Comes with a 9 cup sized bin with stainless steel mesh vents installed, my own personal substrate mix, sphagnum moss (or fresh forest harvested moss on request), oak leaves, oak bark hides, pod foods if available, and pods! 

Dairy cows are included in the base price, but you can substitute other pods on request for an appropriate increase in cost. I'm happy to do kits without pods on request.

A single kit is $55 shipped with pods, or $35 with other orders. $5 less without pods. I can also do custom sizes for other bins, and kits without bin included. Bulk pricing is available if you want multiple kits. 


I have native ferns I can collect from an area where my neighbor is expanding our road - sensitive, royal, wood and cinnamon. 

Ask for prices and shipping quotes. 

For aquatic tank keepers, I have floating plants - red root floaters, giant duckweed, and salvinia minima mixes. $10 for a half quart. 
(Availability varies. Please ask what I have on hand)


Shipping will be based on USPS cheapest for the amount you want, or USPS flat rate.
I'm willing to ship via other options, but it will usually be more expensive. 

Shipping is on Monday and Tuesday only for live shipments. 

Hold For Pickup is not default, and not recommended unless you have experience with your post office doing it well. 

Coldpacks will be added to summer orders as needed, and may add a $5 additional charge. 
Same for Heatpacks in winter.

Orders over $50 shipping priority can request a free 50ct Dairy Cow isopods. 
If you are only ordering things that don't require priority shipping, you can still get them, but it will require a shipping upgrade and coldpack.

LAG is available, but requires priority shipping and coldpacks if weather appropriate. Photos of DOAs in the package must be sent within one hour of delivery in reasonable, and within 30mins in excessively hot weather. Over half of the shipment must be clearly DOA to qualify for replacement. 

Payment can be made via PayPal, Cashapp, Venmo, Zelle or postal money order. No checks accepted. 

Trades will be considered, especially partial trades for large orders. All partial trades will require buyer to pay shipping. 
No arachnids, centipedes, scorpions or venomous reptiles will be considered for trades.

Contact via Discord, u/gastropoid on reddit or email to order. 

On Bluesky: Gastropoid
